Belk College researcher offers expert commentary on supply chain issues

Belk College of Business expert Reginald A. Silver provided research-informed analysis on supply issues resulting from Hurricane Helene.
Silver, a clinical professor in the Department of Business Information Systems & Operations Management, assessed possible disruption in supplies. “Different from the pandemic where we saw massive supply chain disruptions, it’s not going to be a single massive supply chain disruption. What we’re seeing are actually micro disruptions where different segments of different supply chains and impacted areas,” Silver said.
Silver joined the Belk College in August 2014. Prior to joining Charlotte’s faculty, he had 18 years of experience in healthcare operations and finance. He has served as a senior operations executive for a number of for-profit and not-for-profit institutions, focused on the development of high-performing teams, expanding access to services and achieving significant financial results. He has served as the senior compliance and privacy officer for a number of organizations.
His research expertise includes human and systems integration, healthcare information technology, business analytics, big data, and the adoption of technology with an emphasis on the healthcare sector.