CREW Charlotte raises $4,000 for Belk College scholarships

Categories: News

CREW Charlotte, a professional organization for women and men engaged in commercial real estate and related service industries, recently announced that proceeds from their annual Casino Night will fund a scholarship in the Belk College this coming year.

Event proceeds of $4,000 will be combined with funds donated from past events to provide two $2,500 scholarships for students in the M.S. in Real Estate program. Scholarship receipients will be recognized at the October meeting of CREW Charlotte.

The Belk College has been a long-time beneficiary of CREW Charlotte. The organization endowed a scholarship fund in 2011 to benefit female students studying business and commercial real estate.

“CREW Charlotte has been a great supporter of the Belk College and UNC Charlotte, and their scholarships provide tremendous opportunities for our students,” said Melissa Shelton, director of development in the Belk College. “We’re honored to be a recipient of their generous philanthropy.”