Belk College Class of 2022 Spotlight: Sydney Pike

Categories: News

A native of Marion, Sydney Pike blends his interest in Charlotte athletics and business education to fuel his goal to one day lead a Major League Baseball (MLB) team.

“That job comes with many different responsibilities, including running the business operations of the team,” said Pike, who is graduating with a bachelor of science in business administration (BSBA) with a concentration in marketing.

“I would say there is a strong administration connection between what I studied here at Charlotte and what I hope to do in the future.”

Pike has spent all four years of his undergraduate career working for Charlotte Baseball — one year as a student manager, one year as the head student manager, and the last two years as student assistant director of baseball operations.

“My favorite memory from attending UNC Charlotte was winning the Conference USA Baseball regular season championship with the team in 2021 and going to the NCAA tournament.”

Following graduation, Pike will join the Charlotte Knights as a special events associate, which he hopes will one day take him to the MLB. He’ll also marry his fiance, whom he met at UNC Charlotte.

Pike thanks both Allison Sigmon, his academic advisor in the Niblock Student Center, and Robert Woodard, head coach of Charlotte Baseball, for their positive impact on him.

Pike’s advice to the next generation of Business Niners? Get out of your comfort zone.

“Try something new, talk to someone new, and take chances. Most importantly, be yourself and love yourself. Enjoy this time because it goes by too fast.”

This article is part of a series of spotlights featuring our class of 2022 graduates.