
Top 5 Ways 49er Football Intersects with Business
This list will give you something to talk about during your Super Bowl party

Graduate Students Study Abroad in Lyon, France and Milan, Italy
Graduate students travel abroad and gain international business perspective

Truist Executive, Alumnus: ‘Believe You Can Make a Difference’
The CEO Speaker Series welcomed Belk College alumnus Dontá Wilson

Charisma: You don’t have to be born with it, to lead with it
George Banks and Janaki Gooty, associate professors in the Department of Management in the Belk College of Business, are scholars on topics ranging from developing relationships and managing emotions to authentic, ethical and charismatic leadership styles. Banks and Gooty, and the Belk College of Business are at the forefront of cutting-edge scientific research to better […]

Belk College Alumni Have a ‘Miner Obsession’ with 49er Sports
Alumni have founded the podcast Miner Obsession

Data Science at UNC Charlotte – An Interactive Timeline
The Belk College is partnering in the development of this growing field

7 Things I Learned During my First Semester of Graduate School
Student Insight: Caitlin McCain, M.S. in Real Estate Ambassador, shares her experience

Congratulations to Belk College’s December Graduates
On Dec. 13, 2019, over 700 undergraduate and graduate Belk College students received their degrees

Spring 2020 CEO Speaker Series: 5 Reasons to Attend
Here’s how students can benefit from attending the speaker series featuring Dontá Wilson ’97

Belk College Looks Back at 2019
Relive a few memorable moments from 2019 with this short video