
Belk College reminds students of closed-class policy

Categories: News

With registration underway, the Belk College reminds students about the policy for adding students to closed classes. Students will not be added to any closed classes. Do not contact the instructor or the Advising Center to ask for an exception.* Here are three strategies that will increase a student’s chance of adding a course that […]

Shao named dean at College of Charleston

Categories: News

(Press release courtesy of College of Charleston) Alan T. Shao has been named the new dean of the School of Business and Economics at the College of Charleston. Shao comes to the College after serving as the Associate Dean for Global and Professional Programs at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He was also […]

UNC Charlotte SIFE team wins regional competition for sixth straight year

Categories: News

The UNC Charlotte Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team won the annual SIFE regional competition March 16 for the sixth consecutive year. The competition,held in Charlotte,served as a preliminary competition for SIFE Nationals. The UNC Charlotte SIFE team will attend the SIFE National Exposition in Philadelphia May 10-12tocompete against other U.S. regional competition winners. Competing […]

UNC Charlotte earns prestigious national recognition for community engagement

Categories: News

UNC Charlotte has been selected for a prestigious 2008 Community Engagement elective classification by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The designation recognizes institutions that have internalized and sustained their commitment to collaborate with communities through teaching, research, and outreach. “From the beginning, this University has had a rich history of community involvement,” […]

Saturn GM visits Belk College marketing class

Categories: News

Jill Lajdziak, general manager of General Motors’ Saturn division,spoke toundergraduatestudents in the Belk College duringa recent visit to Charlotte. Lajdziak, who headed Saturn’ssales, service and marketing operations before being named general manager in 1999, discussedSaturn’s strategy for introducing new models -including a hybrid-with Dana Lanham’s retail marketing class. She also visited the College of Engineering’s […]

Belk College graduate named CFO of Bank of America

Categories: News

Joe Price, a 1983 graduate of the Belk College of Business and a member of the college’s Business Advisory Council, has been named chief financial officer of Bank of America, effective January 1, 2007. “Joe Price is a strong and experienced leader, and a straightforward communicator,”commented Ken Lewis, chairman and CEO of Bank of America. […]

BISOM faculty receive university grant for curriculum development

Categories: News

Sungjune Park andChandrasekar Subramaniam, both assistant professors of management information systems, have been awardeda grantfor their pedagogical project, “The Use of Virtualization Technologies in Information Systems Education.” The Faculty CID Grant is funded by UNC Charlotte to support innovation in curriculum and instructional development.

SIFE hosts summit on hunger, poverty

Categories: News

Students from Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, UNC Charlotte and Germany participated in a global summit yesterday to share perspectives on world hunger. The title of the summit, hosted and organized by the UNC Charlotte chapter of Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) was “Hunger & Poverty: Uniting Youth for a Common Cause.” CMS students from the Center for […]

King appointed Dickson Professor of Finance

Categories: News

Tao-Hsien (Dolly) King has been appointed the Rush S. Dickson Professor of Finance in the Belk College of Business at UNC Charlotte. King, who earned a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, joined the Belk College in 2006 as an associate professor. Before coming to UNC Charlotte, she taught at the University of […]

University Career Center recognizes Kerr as Career Champion

Categories: News

Daryl Kerr, director for undergraduate student services in the Belk College of Business, recently received the Faculty Career Champion Award by the UNC Charlotte Career Center. Awarded annually, the Faculty Career Champion Award recognizesfaculty members for their commitment to career development issues, their championship of career related services and programs, their efforts to increase employer […]