
End of recession for North Carolina may be approaching, Connaughton reports

Categories: News

The North Carolina economy is expected to contract by 1.5 percent during 2009, UNC Charlotte economist John Connaughton reported today in his quarterly economic forecast for the state. The current year’s decline follows a falling-off of 0.3 percent experienced during 2008. Overall, Connaughton expects the North Carolina economy to decline during the first two quarters […]

March 17 Community Conversation to discuss employment, economic trends with industry experts

Categories: News

UNC Charlotte re-launches its successful “Community Conversations: Changing Times…Changing Minds” speaker series with a panel discussion focused on jobs and the economic recovery, hosted by the Belk College of Business. The event takes place Wednesday, March 17, at the Levine Museum of the New South.Registration and a reception begin at 5:30 PM and the program […]

UNC Charlotte named an

Categories: News

U.S. News and World Report has named UNC Charlotte one of the top ten “up and coming national universities” in its annual Best College issue. According to Robert Morse at U.S. News, the magazine asked top academics as part of the regular U.S. News peer assessment survey to name the schools that they think are […]

MBA students visit Argentina on study tour

Categories: News

A group of 22 Belk College M.B.A. students visited Argentina recently as part of the M.B.A. Program’s annual international study tour course. Dr. Jim Nebus, assistant professor of management, was the faculty leader for the tour. The course was centered around an eight-day trip to Buenos Aires, wherethe studentsvisited and met with leaders fromTelefonica (a […]

MBA program plans spring break tour of Chile

Categories: News

The UNC Charlotte M.B.A. program is collaborating with Vertical S.A., a Chilean education and leadership-development company, to offer a spring break tour of Chile for M.B.A. students in 2007. The study tour will take place March 2 – 11, 2007 and will include stops in Santiago and San Pedro. In addition to participating in leadership […]

Fox promoted to Director of Global Programs

Categories: News

Cindy Fox has been promoted to director of global business programs for the Belk College of Business.Fox earned an M.B.A. from UNC Charlotte and hasworked in the Belk College for more than 15 years, first as a lecturer in theDepartment of Marketing and most recently as assistant director of international business programs. As director,Fox will […]

Alumnus completes cross-country bike trek

Categories: News

James Good, a 2003 graduate of the Belk College, recently completed a cross-country bicycle trip from Seattle to Charlotte. Charlotte Observer reporter Scott Fowler wrote about James’s trip here: Charlotte Observer.

UNC Charlotte economist expects state’s economy to grow in 2008, despite lags at national level

Categories: News

The North Carolina economy is expected to continue its seventh year of economic expansion in 2008, according to UNC Charlotte economist John E. Connaughton, who released his quarterly forecast for the state today. Connaughton is optimistic for the state overall, in spite of several areas of concern. “Both rising energy prices and sub-prime credit problem […]

BAC member David Hauser appointed to UNC Charlotte Board of Trustees

Categories: News

FairPoint Communications CEO David Hauser recentlywas sworn in as a member of the UNC Charlotte Board of Trustees. Hauser, a 1977 graduate of the Belk College M.B.A. program, is a member of the College’s Business Advisory Council.He joined FairPoint Communications as its chief executive officer and chair in July 2009 after retiring as group executive […]

UNC Charlotte, Bank of America announce Applied Technology Program

Categories: News

UNC Charlotte and Bank of America have launched an innovative new program for the next generation of knowledge workers. The Bank of America Applied Technology Program (ATP) is designed to give students the opportunity to work for the bank while pursuing their undergraduate degrees. The 17-month program provides students studying technology and business the means […]