Economics Dept. hosts guest speaker April 7

Categories: News

James R. Kahn, director of the environmental studies program and the John F. Hendon professor of economics at Washington and Lee University, will present an Economics Department seminar on Friday, April 7, from 3:00 to 4:30 PM in Room 009 of the Friday Building.

Prof. Kahn’s topic is “Protecting the Environment for the Sake of the Environment: Evidence of Existence Value from the Ribeirinho Communities of Amazonas, Brazil”. In addition to advanced undergraduate and graduate students and faculty with an interest in Economics, the topic should also appeal to those with an interest in environment, ecology, ethics, and international studies.

In addition to the seminar, Prof. Kahn also will be a guest presenter in Economics 4181/5181 (Energy and Environmental Economics) on Thursday, April 6, from 12:30 to 1:50 PM in Friday 014. His topic is “Beyond Kyoto: A tax-based system for the global reduction of four greenhouse gas emissions”. Students and faculty with interests in energy and environmental economics, particularly in regards to global climate change, are invited to attend the class. Seating is limited.

In addition to his faculty position at Washington and Lee, Prof. Kahn holds the title of Professor Colaborador at the Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brazil.