Wealth-management experts to lead seminar

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The Belk College’s Department of Finance and Business Law will host “In Search of the Midas Touch: How to Create, Realize and Manage Business Wealth in a Flat World,” on Friday, Nov. 3, from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM

The seminar’s featured speaker will be Rob Slee, author and managing director of Robertson & Foley, a middle-market investment banking firm. Slee’s books include “Midas Managers: How Every Business They Touch Turns to Gold,” and “Private Capital Markets.” Slee is a board member of numerous professional associations and private companies; additionally, he owns equity positions in a variety of mid-sized private businesses.

Joining Slee will be Walter Putnam, a wealth management advisor with Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Co. Putnam has been a wealth coach since 1979, and specializes in serving the unique planning needs of high net-worth families and closely held businesses. Putnam is a frequent speaker on creating opportunities to preserve wealth and protect its future use.

The seminar is designed for owners, managers and advisers of privately-held businesses. By attending, participants will learn:

  • how to “pass the Midas Challenge,” to more than double revenues and raise profits at least ten fold – with half as many employees as today
  • how to maximize their eventual exit from the business, through strategies such as completing a management buyout, ESOP, trust, recapitalization or private auction;
  • how to become and stay financially independent in an ever-increasing risky investment environment.

The seminar will take place inRoom 201 of theCone University Center on the UNC Charlotte campus. The cost is $250 per person, which includes continental breakfast, lunch and a copy of Robert Slee’s book, “Midas Managers.” Dress is business casual.

RSVPs are requested by Friday, Oct. 26 to Dr. Lloyd Blenman, professor of finance, at 704-687-2823 or lblenman@email.uncc.edu. or Deon Ritchie, department coordinator, at 704-687-2063 or dgritchi@email.uncc.edu.

Checks should be made payable to UNC Charlotte and mailed to: Deon Ritchie, Department of Finance & Business Law – Friday 349, Belk College of Business, UNC Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte NC 28223.