Connaughton studies impact of film industry on Charlotte economy

Categories: News

John Connaughton, professor of economics in the Belk College of Business at UNC Charlotte, recently conducted an economic impact study for the Charlotte Regional Partnership to determine the contribution of the film and video production and distribution industry to the regional economy.

Connaughton determined that the impact was more than $468 million per year, and that the industry adds the equivalent of 2,453 full-time jobs to the regional workforce.

The economic impact study will be used by the Charlotte Film Commission, a division of the Charlotte Regional Partnership, to entice production companies to choose the Charlotte region for their productions. Movies filmed in the region have included Leatherheads and Shallow Hal, and the cable SPEED Network and NASCAR Media Group are also based in Charlotte.

“Charlotte has a video production and distribution industry that’s not rivaled in that many other places in the country in terms of its size, and we have a lot of major players here,” Connaughton said. “But more importantly, we have a very unique labor force. It’s very talented and hard to find in other regions.”

Connaughton has produced economic-impact studies for major industries, non-profits and governmental organizations for more than 20 years, including the N.C. Motorsports Association, the Arts & Science Council, and a variety of sports teams. He also serves as director of the UNC Charlotte Economic Forecast, a quarterly report on the state’s overall economic health.

The full Charlotte Film Commission report is available at CharlotteUSA.