Fox named assistant director of international business programs
Belk College Associate Dean Alan Shao announced today that Cindy Fox hasbeen namedAssistant Director of International Business Programs.
Foxearned an M.B.A. from UNC Charlotte and was a lecturer in the Belk College’s Department ofMarketingfor 14 years. During this time, she taught International Marketing and other courses,led summer student tripsto Paris,served asadvisor to the Niner Chapter of the NC World Trade Association, andassisted with arranging internships with international companies.
Before arriving at UNC Charlotte,Fox worked inhuman resourcesat Presbyterian Hospital, Dorsey Corporation, and Union Camp.
“As we continue to globalize and grow our relationships abroad, Cindy will be an integral part of our operations,” Shao said. “We’re delighted to have her on board in this new role.”
Fox’soffice will be in Room 150A in the Friday Bldg. She can be reached at 704-687-4965 or