Industry partner funds Childress Klein Center for Real Estate scholarship

The Childress Klein Center for Real Estate (CKCRE) received more than $4,000 toward an endowed scholarship from real estate industry partner, CoreNet Global Carolinas.
At its annual fundraiser, CoreNet Global Carolinas – a professional association dedicated to the advancement of the corporate real estate industry – raised $4,320 for the CoreNet Carolinas Scholarship benefiting students in UNC Charlotte’s Childress Klein Center for Real Estate.
Through generous donations from partners like CoreNet Global Carolinas, the Childress Klein Center for Real Estate is able to offer scholarships ranging in amounts from $1,000 to $20,000 to 67 percent of students in the Master of Science in Real Estate program.
About the Childress Klein Center for Real Estate:
The goal of the Childress Klein Center for Real Estate (CKCRE) is to educate and develop real estate professionals, advance real estate research, and lead the community in conversations that educate and inspire innovation. The Center administers the M.S. in Real Estate program, the MBA concentration and the Graduate Certificate programs in real estate finance and development, and manages programming and outreach to the Real Estate Alumni Association and Real Estate Advisory Board. It has been ranked among the 20 most active research institutions in real estate for the past decade.
Click here to learn more about the Childress Klein Center for Real Estate.