UNC Charlotte SIFE team to participate in national competition
A team from the UNC Charlotte chapter of Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) will travel to Philadelphia to participate in the organization’s annual exposition and national competition May 10-12.
This is UNC Charlotte’s sixth appearance in SIFE’s national competition. The team has won the regional competition every year since its founding in 2004.
At the SIFE event, student teams from across the country prepare written reports and live presentations to determine which chapter had the most impact in supporting the organization’s mission, to improve the quality of life and standard of living in communities through education and programming related to financial literacy and free enterprise. Panels of entrepreneurs and business executives judge the teams in a series of league competition that lead to the national championship.
Students representing the UNC Charlotte SIFE chapter include: Wei Tsay, a senior international business major from Lexington, N.C.; Pasan Premarantne, a junior finance and economics major from Colombo, Sri Lanka; Katelyn Gesler, a sophomore management major from Winston-Salem, N.C.; Bryan King, a sophomore accounting and MIS major from Mocksville, N.C.; Daniel Lonon, a senior marketing major from Marion, N.C.; Youssef Boutaleb, a senior finance and international business major from Fez, Morocco; Yu-Ching Su, a freshman finance and accounting major from Taipei, Taiwan; CC Evans, a senior finance and accounting major from Rocky Mount, N.C.; and Mihir Sagar, a freshman finance and international business major from Gujarat, India.
Kevin Toomb, a professor of marketing in the Belk College of Business and a former bank executive, is the SIFE advisor and Sam Walton Fellow. The UNC Charlotte SIFE chapter is supported by an advisory board of alumni and business and community leaders.
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Top Row (left to right): Pasan Premaratne, Daniel Lonon, CC Evans, Youssef Boutaleb, Mihir Sagar. Bottom Row (left to right): Bryan King, Katelyn Gesler, Yu-Ching Su, Wei Tsay