Passion for People Leads Graduate Student to Dream Career Path

I’m Haley Chilcott, I was born in the great state of California, but for the past 11 years have grown and flourished right here in Charlotte, NC. I am 23 years young with a ferocious appetite for new things, people and places! Charlotte has been a great place to explore my extreme passions for food and adventure.
As an undergraduate student, I studied Communications. I chose this mostly because of my devotion to interacting with all types of people. I have an uncanny ability to understand what makes a person tick, and use those motivations to really build a relationship with a person of any age or background. I am extremely chatty, so much so that my friends joke around saying that I could even become good friends with a brick wall!
Haley Chilcott, M.S. in Management, ’19
After choosing Communications I decided my focus would be Public Relations because it was the best use of my personality and technical abilities. Upon coming to the end of my undergraduate studies, I decided that I wasn’t done yet! I had more to learn and that’s when an M.S. in Management email popped up in my inbox. It was pure destiny! This was the perfect opportunity to take my personality, ambitions, and interests to the next level, as well as complete my master’s degree in only 10.5 months, allowing me to start my career as soon as possible.
The M.S. in Management program has taught me more than I could have ever imagined, and by this, I don’t just mean in regard to foundational business knowledge. The program has taught me to be brave, strong and unbreakable. I know, this may not be your typical answer, but it’s the truth. Being able to learn with a diverse group of individuals who have goals and aspirations that are similar, but also completely different from my own, has shown me that anything is possible. We all have truly become a family in this short time together. Our different undergraduate backgrounds have allowed us to teach each other when someone is lost and how to communicate effectively. It truly has been unlike any other learning experience for me. This program has strengthened me to my core. It has challenged me in the same ways that I hope my career will and having this time to learn the skills I need, both in the classroom and in life, I know that I can conquer anything that my future presents.
Haley with fellow M.S. in Management students
Now brace yourselves, I am a multitasker by genetics (cough, cough Dad) and so my long-term plans include owning a brewery, restaurant, wedding venue, AirBnB location, as well as dog sanctuary. My dream is to bring all the things that I love together and that includes bringing some North Carolina flare to the Northern California scene!
I am a planner and leader by nature, but where I truly discovered this about myself was when I was chosen to be President of Chi Omega at UNC Charlotte. I loved helping create new opportunities and cultivating the traditions of my organization. That led to me landing my previous position as an Area Marketing Manager for Power Crunch. Overseeing events all across North Carolina ignited my passion and confirmed my area of expertise.
Upon graduation in May, I hope to begin a career in the Events Management or Marketing realm. These experiences, along with being apart of the M.S. in Management program and having some incredible people by my side, has set me on the course to my dreams!
Haley Chilcott
Career aspirations: marketing and events manager
Haley is from Weddington, NC and studied Communications with a focus in Public Relations. What attracted her to the M.S. in Management program was how it is built for non-business majors. She admired the Program Director with her strong demeanor and wanted to be like her, so she applied to the program. She is interested in marketing and events management careers. An interesting fact about Haley is that she was at both Giants games when Barry Bonds broke Hank Aaron and Babe Ruth’s records and she got to meet him!