Virtual ‘Cheers!’ for the Belk College Class of 2020

Although the May 2020 UNC Charlotte Commencement Ceremony has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Belk College of Business faculty and staff still wanted to share their pride and congratulate the College’s 819 graduates.
On Wednesday, April 22, over 60 faculty and staff assembled via WebEx to record a “virtual cheer” for the Belk College Class of 2020. Green, gold, pickaxes and pom-poms waved as Interim Dean Jennifer Troyer announced, “Congratulations to the Belk College Class of 2020!” Faculty and staff cheered from their living room, home office, kitchen table or back porch for their students. A few Niner pups and kids even made an appearance.
“It was remarkable to see our faculty and staff come together virtually to cheer for our graduates,” Troyer said. “We know it’s a tough time for many of our graduates. Although we can’t be there in person to celebrate with them, our faculty and staff genuinely care about our students’ success and achievements.”
The event was created by the External Relations Team. You can view the faculty and staff “Cheers!” video on the Belk College’s Vimeo page.
This was just one of the ways the Belk College recognized its graduates. Other virtual celebrations included:
A virtual toast hosted by the Belk Honors Program (BHP) for its 22 graduates.
Two commemorative videos with content submitted by graduates, faculty, staff, alumni and community partners.
A graduation toast via Zoom for the first cohort of the Doctorate in Business Administration program.
Partnerships with alumni-owned businesses offering resources and Class of 2020 specialty items.
A virtual senior recognition hosted by Gamma Iota Sigma (GIS) for graduating members.