Economics Student Selected for Prestigious Scholars Program

UNC Charlotte sophomore economics major Betsabe Rojas was recently accepted to participate in the Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program. She is the first UNC Charlotte student selected for the Washington, D.C.-based program for those interested in careers in international affairs.
What made you want to apply to the program?
I applied to the program because I wanted to explore as many career paths as possible. After talking to Ms. Karen James I decided it would be something I was both interested in and compatible with. As someone who was born outside of the U.S., I have always been interested in understanding other people’s culture and backgrounds. Therefore, I was excited when I was accepted because it meant I could look into careers that align with my values and aspirations.
What are you looking forward to the most?
What most attracted me to the program was the staff and support they provide to the scholars when exploring future possibilities. They explain the staff is there to support us in having an incredible and enriching summer experience. They provide diverse workshops to help our communication and writing skills, which I look forward to participating in. I also look forward to meeting the other scholars to hear their stories and get to know our future aspirations throughout the summer.
What do you hope to learn from the program?
I hope to broaden my horizons and see what is out there for me. As an immigrant it is hard for me to know what is and isn’t out there. This program is a way for me to put myself out there and see what I can learn to bring back to my community. The program will also help me see how other students got to where they are and hopefully, we can all help each other grow.
How does this opportunity support your future plans?
This opportunity supports my future because it is a potentially first step into my future career. I have always wanted to be the bridge between cultures and I am looking forward to seeing if this career path is my calling.