Belk College presents annual faculty and staff awards

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Honors recognize faculty, staff for research, teaching, service excellence

Belk College of Business faculty and staff members have received the college’s 2023-2024 awards for excellence in research, teaching and service.

“I clearly see what a special, dedicated team the Belk College has,” Interim Dean Dolly King said when presenting the awards. “I am deeply grateful for those who work so hard to teach and support our students, advance our research mission and engage our community.”

The awards and recipients are:

Distinguished Scholarship Award

Lina Zhou of the Department of Business Information Systems and Operations Management was honored with the Distinguished Scholarship Award. Since joining the Belk College in 2018, Zhou has published over 200 research articles, including 27 journal papers and 30 conference proceedings in academic journals including top information systems journals. Her scholarly work has received external research grants from agencies, including the National Science Foundation, National Security Agency, Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Education and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She has brought in over $1 million in external funding and has served as the lead researcher on three of the grants. She was recognized as one of the world’s top 2% of most cited researchers in the information systems field by two recent studies done at Stanford University.  According to Google Scholar, her publications have received over 17,000 citations.

Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award

Brittani Washington of the Department of Business Information Systems and Operations Management received the Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award. Washington has contributed to the college’s teaching mission since 2021 and describes her teaching philosophy as consistently aimed at cultivating a comfortable, relatable, and career-driven atmosphere for students. She has consistently received student feedback that she cares deeply about teaching undergraduate students and in helping them succeed. One student described her as one of the strongest instructors the student has encountered. “She listens and responds to students’ questions and concerns and makes sure the individual needs of the class are met,” the student said. “She truly cares about each student’s success and will do everything in her power to provide the resources to enable you.”

Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award

Dave Woehr of the Department of Management was recognized with the Excellence In Graduate Teaching Award. Woehr joined the Belk College in the fall of 2011 and has taught graduate courses in the Organizational Science doctoral program and in the MBA and DBA programs. He has taught or co-taught 24 sections across five graduate courses, in three different graduate programs. He has successfully chaired 31 doctoral dissertation committees, and he is currently chairing four additional dissertation committees and serving as a member on numerous doctoral and master’s level committees. He has co-authored with doctoral students 54 peer reviewed journal articles, including 26 during his time at UNC Charlotte, six books or book chapters and a large number of peer reviewed conference papers and presentations. One graduate student said, “Even after graduation, I can still call him for personal, professional, and academic advice.”

Excellence in Part-Time Teaching Award

Suzanne Collins of the Department of Marketing received the Excellence In Part-Time Teaching Award. Collins joined the Belk College in 2019 and has taught a wide range of courses at the graduate and undergraduate level. Her teaching features a strong focus on practical applications and industry connections. Her experience as a long-standing member of the financial services industry has enabled her to provide students with invaluable insights and opportunities for professional growth through real-world applications. She has received rave reviews from colleagues and students who note her expertise in teaching quantitative marketing courses, her holding a Doctorate in Business Administration and her assignments that provide real-world applications of the material covered in class.

Outstanding Service Award

Faith Neale of the Department of Finance earned the Outstanding Service Award. Neale joined the Belk College in 2004 and has a long legacy of outstanding service to the university and college and students. Her service to the College and University has included serving as chair of the Grade Review Committee, co-program director of the Risk Management and Insurance Program, faculty liaison to SNL Data Services, and faculty advisor for Gamma Iota Sigma. Neale has accompanied over 240 students on 22 trips. She has organized student visits with brokers, underwriters, accountants, consultants and hedge fund managers, and met with more than 300 insurance professionals in support of the college’s work. Described as a seasoned pro, she has recruited students for activities, while also communicating professional etiquette and expectations.

Best Paper Award

Wenhao Yang of the Department of Finance was chosen for the Best Paper Award for “Costly Information Acquisition in Decentralized Markets: Experimental Evidence,” published in Management Science. The paper uses a well-designed market experiment to investigate costly information acquisition, a fundamental question in financial markets. The paper specifically focuses on the incentives for traders in decentralized markets, often called “dark markets,” to acquire information. The study reveals that traders in dark markets are willing to pay for information. This contrasts with centralized markets, in which the costly information acquisition falls into the famous Grossman-Stiglitz Paradox in economics. The paper was selected for the award for the importance of the topic studied, the significance of its contributions to the literature on information acquisition, and its publication in an elite business journal.

Dean’s Award for Inclusive Excellence

Meagan Glasco, executive director of professional development, received the Dean’s Award for Inclusive Excellence. Glasco is described as having a profound impact on the college community with hundreds of students participating in the Women In Business activities every year. She recruited and mentored student ambassadors for the initiative and, working alongside two colleagues and a graduate assistant, delivered a training program for the WIB Ambassadors. The work created a ripple effect as the ambassadors applied what they learned to attract and guide other students. Glasco recruited business professionals as WIB associates and participated in WIB engagements. She also has led the planning and execution of the college’s CONNECT Leadership Development Summit for the past three years

Staff Member of the Year Award

Kala Garrison, associate director of finance and personnel, was chosen for the Staff Member of the Year Award. Garrison has been described by her colleagues as a consistently superb mentor and resource. She selflessly accepts additional responsibility and works to ensure both her manager and colleagues have time and freedom to complete their own duties. She maintains a positive and optimistic attitude, encouraging open collaboration and communication, and creating an atmosphere that welcomes honest discussion. She seeks growth opportunities for herself and for others. Her nominators said, “She consistently demonstrates excellence and innovation in the work that she does and she carries that through to the rest of the team.”

Early Impact Staff Award

Alan Swanke, digital marketing manager, earned the Early Impact Staff Award. Swanke joined the Belk College in 2021. His nominators describe him as positive, helpful, prepared, cool under fire and always competent, as he works ahead with thoughtfulness and structure for execution. In a short time, he has demonstrated an ability to work across department lines, and has played an integral role collaborating with Graduate Programs to develop a deep and personal relationship with prospective students. As a member of the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance 2024 Emerging Business Leaders class, he proactively finds opportunities to promote the college and its graduate programs with fellow classmates. His nominators said, “He effectively collaborates across College teams, intentionally looks for professional growth opportunities, and is a strong team player.?

The Deon and Clyde Ritchie Belk College Staff Award 

Tim Carmichael, executive director of information technology and facility operations, was chosen the inaugural recipient of The Deon and Clyde Ritchie Belk College Award, which recognizes staff members who have exhibited passion and dedication to the college. Carmichael has worked at UNC Charlotte since 1998 and joined the Belk College in 2005. Nominators describe him as smart, tenacious, caring and thoroughly dedicated. He is known for standing by his work to ensure that all is working properly and efficiently. He and his team collaborate closely with OnelT and Facilities Management, to the benefit of the college. He has expanded his knowledge and skill set to ensure needs are well-served and is committed to the personal growth of student employees he supervises. As his nominator said, “His positive impact on those who work under his direction is sure to be among his most enduring legacies.”