Below are links to forms that students may need to complete as part of their registration process in the Belk College. Students should visit the Office of the Registrar website for forms that are used University-wide.
Repeat Authorization Forms
For current Belk College students only who earned a D or above in a previous course and plan to retake it in the summer or fall semesters. Repeat authorizations for students who are currently enrolled in a course (spring) will be processed on April 7, 2025. Repeat authorization is not the same as grade replacement.
Repeat authorizations for Summer 2025 will be processed until July 8, 2025, at 3 p.m.
Repeat authorizations for Fall 2025 will be processed until August 25, 2025, at 3 p.m.
Declaration of Major Forms
This is an online request for current Belk College Pre-Business, Pre-Economics, and Pre-Accounting majors who are eligible to declare their majors. Students must meet ALL declaration requirements for their form to be processed. Business students that are already declared can make major changes by contacting their Academic and Career Coach.
Non-Business Majors: Change of Major process
Current students at UNC Charlotte who wish to declare a major in the Belk College of Business must meet all eligibility requirements (listed below) and complete the change of major process. The Belk College change of major process includes the completion of Canvas modules and a meeting with an Academic and Career Coach.
Check Your Eligibility
In order to be invited to complete the modules and to be eligible to declare a business major, the following requirements must be met and reflected on the academic transcript:
- Earn a minimum of 24 credit hours at UNC Charlotte
- Earn a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA at UNC Charlotte
- Earn a minimum 2.50 cumulative in Progression courses completed*
- * Attempts include courses taken at UNC Charlotte and other institutions.
- * To calculate the Progression GPA, use the GPA Calculator on the Niner Central website
- Earn a minimum grade of “C” in at least two of the Progression Courses within two attempts (one course must be MATH 1120 or equivalent or STAT 1220 or equivalent)
See also UNC Charlotte’s Academic Policy: Declaring Undergraduate Majors and Minors and Baccalaureate Degree Progression
Additional Notes
- Progression Courses, and their equivalents, include: ACCT 2121 and 2122, BUSN 1101, ECON 2101 and 2102, INFO 2130, MATH 1120/1121/1241, and STAT 1220/1221/1222
- Students with outstanding “D’s” or “F’s” in Progression Courses, or equivalents, are not eligible to be admitted to the Belk College of Business.
- BUSN1101 at UNC Charlotte is restricted to students in the Belk College of Business. BUSN1101 is included as a progression course for students who have received transfer credit for the course.
- Students who have completed ECON 1101 with a “D” or “F” do not need to retake the course to be admitted into the Belk College of Business but must complete ECON 2101 or ECON 2102 with a “C” or better before they would be eligible to be admitted to the Belk College of Business.
- All attempts in courses count toward the GPA (cumulative and progression) unless a grade replacement is used.
- Note that the requirements to declare Economics with a Liberal Arts Concentration differ from those of other majors. See the Catalog for more information.
- Transfer Exception: Transfer students may change into the Belk College of Business prior to earning 24 credit hours at UNC Charlotte if they:
- Earn 12 hours or more at UNC Charlotte, complete 60 total earned hours, hold a minimum 3.0 UNC Charlotte cumulative GPA, and complete at least five (not including BUSN 1101, if taken) of the progression courses with at least a 2.50 progression GPA (one of the completed courses must be MATH 1120 or equivalent, or STAT 1220 or equivalent.)
Declaration of Minor Application
Non-Belk College Majors Only
This online application is required for non-Belk College majors who wish to declare a minor in Economics, Management Information Systems, or Operations & Supply Chain Management. Students must meet all prerequisite requirements on this form. Current business majors can declare a business minor by contacting their Academic and Career Coach.