
Below are links to forms that students may need to complete as part of their registration process in the Belk College.  Students should visit the Office of the Registrar website for forms that are used University-wide.

Repeat Authorization Forms

For current Belk College students only who earned a D or above in a previous course and plan to retake it in the summer term. Repeat authorizations for students who are currently enrolled in a course (fall) will be processed April 8, 2021. 

Summer 2024 Repeat Authorization Form

NOTE: Repeat authorizations for Summer 2024 will be processed until July 2, 2024, at 3 p.m.

Repeat Authorization is not the same as grade replacement. See this link for grade replacement information.

Fall 2024 Repeat Authorization Form

Note: Repeat Authorizations for Fall 2024 will be processed until August 26, 2024 at 3 p.m.

Declaration of Major Form

This is an online request for current Belk College Pre-Business, Pre-Economics, and Pre-Accounting majors who are eligible to declare their majors. Students must meet ALL declaration requirements for their form to be processed. Business students that are already declared can make major changes by contacting their Academic and Career Coach. Non-Belk College of Business students who want to become a business major should attend a Change of Major Workshop.

Declaration of Major Form

Declaration of Minor Application

Non-Belk College Majors Only

This online application is required for non-Belk College majors who wish to declare a minor in Economics, Management Information Systems, or Operations & Supply Chain Management. Students must meet all prerequisite requirements on this form. Current business majors can declare a business minor by contacting their Academic and Career Coach. 

Declaration of Minor Form