Study Abroad
Study abroad is a transformative experience that enhances your education and prepares you for a globalized world. Students considering study abroad programs should begin research at least a year in advance in order to meet necessary deadlines and requirements.
For more information on available programs, admissions, financial aid and more, visit

Did you know…
- Over 175 #BusinessNiners traveled the globe as part of UNC Charlotte’s study abroad programs last year
- Over $99,000 in scholarships were awarded in the college to support study abroad in 2023-2024
Here’s where they went:
fall 2023
- Japan
- United Kingdom
- Spain
- Denmark
- Germany
- Italy
- Singapore
- Austria
- Iceland
spring 2024
- France
- Croatia
- Germany
- Switzerland
- Denmark
- Mexico
- South Korea
- Spain
- Italy
- Belgium
- United Kingdom
- Hungary
- Austria
- Japan
- Martinique
- Peru
- Malaysia
- Singapore
- Netherlands
summer 2024
- Italy
- United Kingdom
- Singapore
- Spain
- France
- Greece
- Germany
- Portugal
- Japan
- Costa Rica
- Thailand
Study Abroad 101
The study abroad experience might be a little overwhelming at first, but to help make the process more manageable, the Office of Education Abroad has created Study Abroad 101 — a free, non-credit course hosted virtually that outlines program options, financial aid and scholarships, academic credit processes and more.

You can go anywhere with the Belk College of Business

Available Financial Support
- Belk College Scholarship: Most Belk College students will receive a $1,000 scholarship when approved for a Belk College Faculty Led Program. No additional scholarship application is needed.
- There will be a small number of $3,000 scholarships based on financial need. Once approved for a Belk College Faculty Led program, students will receive information on how to apply for this need-based funding from Alisha Aycoth.
- Financial Aid and Study Abroad
- OEA Scholarships (Cannot be used for spring break or fall faculty led experiences)
- Honors College: Delbridge E. Narron Travel Scholarship and UHP Study Abroad Scholarship
Contact Alisha Aycoth with any questions about scholarship availability or your scholarship eligibility.