Undergraduate Academics

All business degrees are composed of:
- General Education Requirements
- Progression Requirements
- Core Requirements
- Major Requirements
- Electives
The Belk College offers three undergraduate degrees with a variety of majors and concentrations available:
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Accounting
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.B.A.)
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Economics
Students can declare one of the Belk College of Business upper-division majors after fulfilling and maintaining at least a GPA of 2.5 (“C”) in progression requirements, earning a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and earning 60 credit hours.
For current students with specific questions regarding their major, please email stadvise@charlotte.edu.
- Accounting
- Business Administration (online; degree completion students)
- Business Analytics
- Economics
- Finance
- International Business
- Management
- Management Information Systems
- Marketing
- Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM)

Ready to finish your degree?
UNC Charlotte’s online Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) is the perfect way to gain the fundamental knowledge and skills you need to manage today’s organizations.
Designed for working professionals, our 100% online program can be completed in as little as two years full-time. Enroll today and start your journey to success!
Laptop policy
All new students entering UNC Charlotte are required to have a personal laptop computer to support their college experience. The Belk College of Business requires a laptop with the Windows operating system. Students can bring a laptop they already have or choose to buy a new laptop from any vendor. Please note: Chromebooks, iPads, tablets, and mobile devices do not meet this requirement.
Steps to Degree Completion
STEP 1: Enroll as PACC, PBUS or PECO
Enroll as a Pre-Accounting (PACC), Pre Business (PBUS), or Pre-Economics (PECO) major and enroll in courses for your first semester at New Student Orientation.
STEP 2: Fulfill eligibility requirements
Fulfill eligibility requirements to enter your upper-division major by:
- Completing 60 credit hours
- Earning a minimum cumulative UNC Charlotte GPA of 2.5
- Fulfilling and maintaining a GPA of 2.5 in progression requirements*
- *Attempts include courses taken at UNC Charlotte and other institutions
- Earning a minimum grade of “C” in all progression courses within two attempts
STEP 3: Declare your major
Declare one of the Belk College of Business upper-division majors by submitting an online Declaration of Major Request Form.
STEP 4: Apply for graduation
Complete your degree requirements and submit your application for graduation.
Early Entry to graduate programs
Undergraduate students with outstanding academic performance may apply for Early Entry to a graduate program and begin graduate coursework while completing undergraduate degree requirements. Accepted students receive provisional acceptance to the graduate program pending the award of their bachelor’s degree. Up to 12 hours of graduate courses may be taken as an undergraduate and “double counted” toward the undergraduate and graduate degrees limitations vary by program. Students are charged undergraduate tuition and fees for all courses for which they register until the bachelor’s degree is attained (see restrictions below).
Students considering Early Entry to a graduate program should speak with the respective master’s program advisor to be sure they will meet prerequisites for the anticipated Early Entry courses. Early Entry is currently available for master’s programs in:
- Data Science and Business Analytics, M.S. or Graduate Certificate, Early Entry
- Economics, M.S., Early Entry
- Mathematical Finance, M.S., Early Entry
- Apply for Graduate School admission.
- Earn an acceptable score on the appropriate graduate standardized test.
- Complete 75 or more hours of undergraduate coursework. (Typically, close to 90 hours will be earned by the time the first graduate course is taken.)
- Earn at least a 3.2 overall GPA.
- Complete the Early Entry Course Approval Form and have it approved by both the Graduate Program Director and the Graduate School. Failure to obtain prior approval negates a student’s ability to “double count” courses.
- Learn more from the Graduate Admissions office.
More Information about Early Entry
- If an Early Entry student has not met the normal admission requirements of a 3.0 GPA at the end of the baccalaureate degree, the student will be dismissed from the graduate program.
- M.S in Economics and M.S. in Math Finance: A maximum of 12 credit hours taken at the graduate level may be double-counted toward the undergraduate degree. However, Early Entry students may take up to 15 hours (two semesters not including summer terms) of graduate-level work prior to completion of the undergraduate degree.
- No courses taken before early admission to the graduate program may be applied to a graduate degree.
- Students who are admitted as Early Entry but do not enroll in a graduate course in their first semester will have their admission withdrawn and will need to reapply for admission upon completion of the bachelor’s degree.
- Early Entry students cannot postpone graduation from the undergraduate program in order to pursue coursework for the graduate program.
INFO 2130 – Credit by Exam
The Department of Business Information Systems and Operations Management traditionally offers the opportunity to earn Credit by Exam for INFO 2130, Introduction to Business Computing, twice per academic year prior to registration for the upcoming semester (typically October and March).
Students earning a grade of C or higher on the INFO 2130 cumulative exam administered on this date will earn (3) three hours of academic credit for INFO 2130, a course required for all business majors. This offer provides you the option of earning (3) credit hours for INFO 2130 by Credit by Exam instead of taking the semester-long course. There is no negative impact on your academic record if you are unsuccessful on the INFO 2130 Credit by Exam.
NOTE: Students who are currently enrolled in INFO 2130 are not eligible to take the exam. In addition, students that have received a grade in INFO 2130, including a “D” or “F” in the course, are not eligible to take the exam. Students who have earned a “D” or “F” in the course must repeat the course in order to earn a “C” or better.
Study Tools
A successful passing grade requires significant study time. Please utilize all study materials. Students should master study tools in order to be successful on the exam. To view study tools for the credit by exam, visit the INFO 2130 credit by exam site.
INFO 2130 Contact
Alisha Aycoth, Undergraduate Programs Manager
704-687-5894 | aaycoth1@charlotte.edu
Due to the complexity of the Credit by Exam Form, please contact the Undergraduate Programs Manager for specific instructions on form submission.
visiting students
Visiting students are students who are currently enrolled as degree-seeking students at another institution but wish to take courses for a term at Charlotte and transfer credit back to their home institution. Summer terms are also an option for visiting students who desire to take courses for professional enrichment. Visiting students are considered non-degree seeking and register for courses on a space-available basis after Charlotte’s degree-seeking students.
Visiting students may contact Alisha Aycoth for inquiries including eligibility requirements, course options and review of transcript prior to applying as a visiting student.
Once you have been accepted as a visiting student and wish to enroll in any business course, please contact:
Alisha Aycoth, Undergraduate Programs Manager
704-687-5894 | aaycoth1@charlotte.edu