Belk College Alumni Council

Our Mission
The mission of the Alumni Council in the Belk College of Business is to further promote close ties among alumni and to strengthen the relationship between our alumni, the business community and the College.
Our Focus
- Increase alumni representation and involvement with the Belk College of Business
- Serve as ambassadors for the College at alumni events, in our communities and places of work
- Support Belk College students through mentoring, recruitment and career planning programs
- Give of our resources to advance the Belk College of Business
The Belk College of Business has more than 38,000 alumni, with over 22,000 alumni residing in the Charlotte region. We are a powerful force in moving UNC Charlotte and the Belk College to the forefront of 21st century business education. We hope you will join us in leading this charge!
Serve on the council
Applications for the 2025-26 Belk College Alumni Council are open and submissions are due by Sunday, April 13, 2025. Alumni selected to serve on the Council will be notified by the end of May 2025.
Alumni Council members serve three-year terms and may be eligile to serve an additional consecutive term. All members are expected to attend all regular scheduled meetings of the Council. Regional members (i.e., those who reside outside of the Charlotte region) may attend Council and committee meetings remotely via Zoom.
There are four working lunch meetings hosted annually. In addition, all members of the Council are assigned to one standing committee and a various times, may volunteer to serve on an ad hoc committee.
- Support the Dean of the Belk College of Business
- Attend as many Council and College sponsored activities as possible
- Encourage involvement of other alumni at College functions
- Council members are asked to serve a two year term, beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30
- Prepare for all council meetings by reading any designated materials prior to the meetings
- Attend Council meetings/conference calls regularly and serve as committee chairs/members as assigned. There will be five Council meetings annually: September, November, January, March, May.
- Suggest new program ideas and thoughtfully evaluate current activities
- Advise the Belk College of programs that can better serve our alumni and ways in which alumni can serve the College
- Represent the Belk College and UNC Charlotte at community events
- Assist in the recruitment of students, placement of graduates, and identifying and facilitating professional internship programs for students
- Identify and assist in obtaining speakers/lecturers from the business community for College presentations inside the classroom
- Participate in Donor Stewardship efforts
- Make an annual financial contribution to a fund in the Belk College (minimum $250)
The standing committees of the Council include:
Alumni Network Committee
Develop and increase internal Alumni Council member connections, network and chemistry.
- Council Kick Off social
- Council Year End Celebration
- Alumni Council Directory
- Highlight Council member professional and personal achievements/milestones
Alumni Outreach Committee
Promote the value of the #BusinessNiner Alumni network through programs and connect alumni through their unique interests, affinities, employers, industries academic programs or majors.
- Alumni professional and career development programs
- Corporate receptions
- Belk College Day alumni tailgate and football
Community Service Committee
Employ hands-on service projects to forge connections between alumni and between alumni and students.
- Engage Council members, alumni and students through hands on service
- Belk College Day of Service (March or April) engaging the broader alumni network and students
- Council service projects engaging Council members
Development Committee
- Build awareness, understanding, support and celebration of annual giving and its value to a fund in the Belk College
- Encourage 100% Alumni Council participation in annual giving to the Belk College by the end of each fiscal year
- Promote alumni support for Niner Nation Gives online day of giving (usually April)
- Engage the Alumni Council scholarship recipients with the Council
Student Engagement Committee
Build opportunities for Belk College alumni to connect with current students, demonstrate the value of the alumni network and assist students in their professional development.
- Convocation Week: “Meet an Alum” table
- Career Development Luncheon or virtual events
- Women in Business Signature Event (October)
- Belk College Graduate Celebrations (May & December)
- Classroom, Student Org and Professional Development speakers, panelists
Member Development Committee
Build the pipeline of new Council members through strategic engagement and recruitment of alumni from target companies, academic programs, regions and skill sets.
- Facilitate personal touchpoints with each interested alumnus/na in conjunction with application
- Host a new member interest meeting, represent the Council at alumni events
join the council
The application to join the 2024-2025 Alumni Council is now closed. Stay tuned for the next application period!
Contact Kinsey Sheehan, the Belk College of Business Director of External and Alumni Relations.