
UNC Charlotte ranked 20th among 74 part-time MBA programs profiled in the ranking. The Bloomberg Businessweek biennial ranking of part-time...

Guest speakers enhance the classroom learning experience for Belk College students.The Belk College thanksSean Graham ’97, COO of TIAA-CREF Trust...

Pat Mynatt, lecturer in accounting, has been named the 2010 recipient of the Thomas C. Turner Distinguished Teaching Lectureship by...

On October 15, faculty from the Belk College of Business participated in a workshop on participant-centered learning, facilitated by a...

The Belk College extends sincere gratitude to alumni JohnOwens ’90 from Ameritrust, Michelle Menard ’97 from Choice Translating and Brian...

The UNC Charlotte Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team won the SIFE USA regional league competition on March 29. This...

Dr. Jack Cathey, interim chair of the Department of Accounting and interim associate dean for finance and operations for the...

A student in the Belk College’s Master of Science in Economics program is one of the first Foreign Fulbright Fellows...

Darius Law, a junior management major in the Belk College of Business, has beennamed the Atlantic 10 Conference’s Indoor Men’s...

Ron Curtis, the chair of the advisory boardfor the Center for Real Estate at UNC Charlotte, has been promoted to...

Recovery Underway but Job Growth will be Slow, Connaughton Reports Job Growth Began in January after Two Years of Decline...

Cynthia Carlson, principal of CampbellCarlson Executive Search and a UNC Charlotte graduate, has been appointed chair of the Belk College...