Economic Forecast

Fourth Quarter 2024 North Carolina Economic Forecast
UNC Charlotte’s North Carolina Economic Forecast offers practical, trusted research.

Forecast: Next two years to bring slow growth; inflation still a risk
Here’s what to watch for, according to UNC Charlotte’s North Carolina Economic Forecast.

Forecast: Recession risk recedes, while inflation threat persists
Here’s what to watch for, according to UNC Charlotte’s North Carolina Economic Forecast A recession is unlikely in 2024, but the risk of inflation still looms. Consumers who indulged in a spending fling during the second half of the summer fueled economic growth for the North Carolina and U.S. economies, and spending shows signs of […]

Economy shows signs of a mild slowdown
Latest North Carolina Economic Forecast indicates what to watch for. Over the past 21 months, the U.S. Federal Reserve has steadily raised interest rates in an effort to cool the economy and stave off inflation. The North Carolina and U.S. economies are showing signs of slowing, although a return of inflation is still not out […]

Forecast: Conflicting forces create opportunity for recession or return of inflation
Here’s what to watch for, according to the latest North Carolina Economic Forecast.