
DeVore presents fall 2016 CEO Speaker Series

DeVore presents fall 2016 CEO Speaker Series

   October 20, 2016

Alumna Susan DeVore ’81 stepped onto the stage of the Popp Martin Student Union at UNC Charlotte. Over the next hour, she shared life lessons with hundreds of students and responded to their questions during the fall 2016 Belk College CEO Speaker Series on Oct. 19.

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​How to succeed as a millennial woman in business

​How to succeed as a millennial woman in business

   October 14, 2016
I had the opportunity to attend the recent #NextGenCLT event and I was not disappointed. As a woman millennial finishing my dissertation and studying business, I was excited to hear the four female panelists discuss strategies for success and how to take advantage of opportunities for growth for millennial women in business. The discussion was multifaceted, thoughtful, and sparked future...

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Five honored at first Belk College Alumni Awards

Five honored at first Belk College Alumni Awards

   October 13, 2016

Belk College alumni awards graphicAs part of UNC Charlotte’s Homecoming celebrations, the Belk College of Business honored five alumni and...

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Alumna: What it means to be a millennial woman in business

Alumna: What it means to be a millennial woman in business

   October 7, 2016
Millennials are a “hot” topic in today’s business world. Though the exact demographics have been debated, some define millennials as those born between 1980 and 2000. Within this 20-year span, I barely make the cut. Yet there is a part of me that is a part of every millennial. This unique generation has changed how and what we expect our voice to influence, how we interact with consumer brands,...

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One year after naming, UNC Charlotte Childress Klein Center for Real Estate raises $5.1 million

One year after naming, UNC Charlotte Childress Klein Center for Real Estate raises $5.1 million

   September 30, 2016
One year ago, the UNC Charlotte Childress Klein Center for Real Estate celebrated the naming of the center and a $2.5 million gift by real estate firm Childress Klein. Today, the center reached another milestone. Over the past 12 months, almost 100 companies and individuals from the Charlotte business community have raised a total of more than $5.1 million in support of the center. In September...

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MBA alumna shares 3 tips for women interested in STEM careers

MBA alumna shares 3 tips for women interested in STEM careers

   September 21, 2016
It has been a very interesting journey for me as a leader in the renewable energy industry. I love what I do for many reasons. First, I’m working in an exciting industry that is growing and developing. The growing support and acceptance of renewable energy within our community is very encouraging. Unlike with fossil fuels, there are several challenges of integrating these variable resources...

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AACSB Honors UNC Charlotte Belk College of Business Alumnus, Lowe’s CEO Robert A. Niblock

AACSB Honors UNC Charlotte Belk College of Business Alumnus, Lowe’s CEO Robert A. Niblock

   September 19, 2016
Today, business school graduates are increasingly using their degrees to make a difference not only in the corporate world, but also across society. The important contributions of UNC Charlotte Belk College of Business alumnus Robert A. Niblock, chairman, president and CEO of Lowe’s Companies, Inc., and 29 other change makers are recognized as part of the 2016 AACSB Influential Leaders Challenge...

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Slow Economic Growth Trend Continues

   September 7, 2016
Is the economic forecast partly sunny or partly cloudy? Both, says UNC Charlotte economist. On the bright side, North Carolina’s unemployment rate is now lower than the U.S. rate and the economy continues to grow. However, the economic expansion is slowing down, UNC Charlotte economist John Connaughton reported today during the Babson Capital Management/UNC Charlotte Economic Forecast. “In 2016...

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‘Exceptional’ veteran receives graduate assistantship for Mathematical Finance

‘Exceptional’ veteran receives graduate assistantship for Mathematical Finance

   August 18, 2016
In 2014, Tyler Crone spent nine months in Bagram, Afghanistan, overseeing computer hardware networks and software systems handling highly sensitive data during Operation Enduring Freedom. This fall, he will report to the Center City Campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte to begin his graduate education, thanks to university financial support earmarked for military veterans. The...

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UNC Charlotte pioneers first Doctorate in Business Administration in the Carolinas

   August 8, 2016
UNC Charlotte and the Belk College of Business will pioneer the first Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) program in the Carolinas. Led by Professor and Addison H. and Gertrude C. Reese Endowed Chair Franz Kellermanns, the DBA program is a professional doctoral degree taught in an executive format. The Belk College program will enroll its first class in the fall of 2017 and will be...

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