
The Empowered Choices of an MBA Ambassador

The Empowered Choices of an MBA Ambassador

Student Insight: Kelly Lorton reflects on the decisions that led her to the Belk College MBA
   January 30, 2019

Life is full of choices. In today’s society, we are exposed to an insurmountable amount of information, and it can be a daunting responsibility to ultimately determine which choices to make. We are invariably faced with competing priorities, personal setbacks and contradictive advice. It is all too easy to get sucked into the vast...

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iaelyon School of Management Welcomes Belk College of Business Graduate Students

iaelyon School of Management Welcomes Belk College of Business Graduate Students

Partner Perspective: iaelyon Welcomes 16 Graduate Students During International Week
   January 25, 2019

January 24, 2019: Original Article Written & Published by iaelyon School of Management
January 25, 2019: Shared by the Belk College of Business

From January 4th to January 12, for the very first time, a group of 16...

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28 Strong: M.S. in Management Inaugural Cohort

28 Strong: M.S. in Management Inaugural Cohort

Student Insight: M.S. in Management Ambassador, Katelyn Thomas, describes cohort model strengths
   January 15, 2019

One of the key features of the M.S. in Management program has been the cohort model. The ability to rotate through classes with the same individuals has shown to help in the classroom, but also has been beneficial for building and strengthening bonds outside the classroom.   

In the classroom, the cohort has been able to work together to master...

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Lifelong Learner Reflects on Decision to Pursue a Belk College MBA

Lifelong Learner Reflects on Decision to Pursue a Belk College MBA

Student Insight: MBA Ambassador, Jackson Switzer, recollects critical business lessons
   January 3, 2019

My wife says I have too many degrees. You could say she has a point. Right after my undergraduate studies at the University of Alabama in Chemistry, I earned a master of science degree. Then, I segued immediately to a Chemical Engineering Ph.D. program at Georgia Tech. Having run out of ways to postpone starting an actual job, I finally began work as an engineer at a...

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Use science to conduct better meetings: Professor's new book available

Use science to conduct better meetings: Professor's new book available

Use science to conduct better meetings: Professor's new book available
   January 2, 2019

Most meetings end with attendees wondering what was accomplished. In 2019, leaders everywhere or pretty much anyone who interacts with others should resolve to read “The Surprising Science of Meetings” by UNC Charlotte’s Steven Rogelberg. The ...

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Economic growth continues, approaching longest expansion on record

Economic growth continues, approaching longest expansion on record

Dr. Connaughton presents December 2018 Barings/UNC Charlotte Economic Forecast
   December 12, 2018

The economy of the United States and North Carolina continues to accelerate and could be headed into the longest economic expansion on record within the next six months, UNC Charlotte professor and economist John Connaughton said....

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   December 10, 2018

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Wells Fargo Recruits Top-Tier Talent from the Belk College of Business

Wells Fargo Recruits Top-Tier Talent from the Belk College of Business

   December 5, 2018

As a leader in the financial services industry, Wells Fargo understands the value that top-tier talent brings to an organization. The Belk College of Business welcomed several Wells Fargo executives back to the UNC Charlotte Center City campus this November for an on-campus recruiting and networking event. Wells Fargo, in a search to recruit ambitious, career-ready associates for their...

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Entrepreneurship connection: Graduate student draws inspiration from speakers

Entrepreneurship connection: Graduate student draws inspiration from speakers

Student Insight: M.S. in Math Finance Ambassador Danielle Avery reflects on entrepreneurship series
   December 4, 2018

I never thought I could become an entrepreneur. Not that I wouldn’t want to – I’ve certainly daydreamed of owning my own business and enjoying the associated benefits: working for myself, setting my own hours, pursuing my passion, etc. However, those daydreams are quickly shut down by my more logical side that questions if I have what it takes to do something so difficult. Am I smart...

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M.S. in Management Student Engineers a Bright Career Path

M.S. in Management Student Engineers a Bright Career Path

Student Insight: Learn how Michael Bennett is preparing for his engineering dream career
   November 28, 2018

Michael is an adventurist who discovered his love of all things STEM during his youth. Having grown up in Silicon Valley, as a Boy Scout, he spent most of his weekends earning merit badges, learning problem solving, camping and practicing...

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